The global pandemic has highlighted that life is not linear.And neither is education. The disruptions felt throughout our communities can at the very least serve as a catalyst for change.Our (education systems) schools need to shift.Dramatically. Appreciating the value of (communication) relationships.The influence of music in normalizing language/social behaviors....

A note to all Year 12 students - Do not stress about your ATAR score-at this time or otherwise. Few people (if any) will ever ask of it. Focus instead on the learning/study process itself and controlling your input/s around it… …and being kind to your parents,friends, strangers….and especially yourself. This...

Some conversations are just plain hard.Raw and uncomfortable. They often lead to equally challenging questions and comments. Particularly when the audience is young.Younger than you.And younger than me. The mainstream media.Social media.Reality. Global debt.Property prices.Anxiety. Relationships. Divorce.Hope. Technology. Escapism.Government. The environment.Fear. Young people can’t hear their voice above a world of noise.Adult driven noise. Adults need...

As a global or local community we shouldn’t need to highlight the importance of mental health via a unique day or on-going campaign as the value of mental health should be obvious to all. I’m a father, a teacher, an educational consultant, a professional athlete and...

Transactional.And giving. Two adjectives. Both underscore relationships-community. One divides. The other unites. Young people constantly look towards adults for suggestion.And direction. All adults-without exception. And what do they see? Do they witness acts of kindness-of giving-without personal motive,financial incentive or the leverage of ‘likes’?Or do they view transactions? How does a...