Label it however you like therapy,comfort or support a ‘school dog’ is a great addition to any educational setting. But then again I like dogs. The school dog has no hierarchal bias,doesn’t discriminate,is flexible,has time and listens well. Each a valuable attribute. What I’ve come to realize is...

“More than just words” *CONVERSATION / guest speaking NOTES including resources (links) communicate verb (SHARE INFORMATION) -to share information with others by speaking, writing, moving your body, or using other signals The way in which we communicate always counts-as does it’s accuracy,clarity and sincerity.Communication underpins trust,respect and loyalty.Compassion and forgiveness rely...

As adults we ask young people to pay attention, key in and focus. Concentrate- upon conversation in the classroom,when using tools in a workshop and particularly behind the wheel of a car. “Concentrate or kill” was just one of many provocative strap-lines targeting drivers (full) attention...

Hardly. The stars have long since lost their luster and the stripes no longer run true.America where paper tigers chase paper at the expense of effective politics and the people they are elected to serve.America shouldn’t serve as anyone’s global barometer. Pointed homelessness. Systemic racism. Cultural manipulation. Economic incarceration. And...

Stepping into a foreign environment and creating instant connection with a unique audience is but one of the many challenges faced by a guest speaker. Or at least a good one. Said environment has to be massaged into a space in which the audience can appreciate intimacy...

The ‘idea’ of a guest speaker is wrong.Flat out wrong.You don’t need a guest speaker.You need a guest listener. Questioner. Sharer. You need someone who can read the room.Create an atmosphere.Be themselves-vulnerable.And connect. All easier said than done. But never more necessary than now-after what we’ve all been through...